
Publisher Letter - May 26, 2017

By Kimberly Wright - Publisher of Greensboro Macaroni Kid May 26, 2017

Hi Lovely Souls of Greensboro!

Hope you are well! Happy Memorial Day and much honor to all who serve our country past, present and future. THANK YOU for all you have done and will continue to do. You are truly appreciated.

Great things are happening in and around Greensboro for Memorial Day weekend. Here and here are a roundup of activities to indulge in. Stay dry because the forecast calls for severe thunderstorms till Tuesday.

We are loading our calendar over the weekend! Get ready for plenty of events in and around Greensboro. The calendar has been a journey however so much fun as we were able to build some great relationships in the process. ย When you see the calendar of events, happenings, the latest and greatest you will understand WHY Greensboro Macaroni Kid just focuses on Greensboro and does it very well.

Remember we are hiring a dream team! Please let me know if you or someone you know may be interested. Here is more information and this could be an awesome summer job for a teenager age 16 years and older.

There are a lot of new articles on the website! Please take a look at How To Encourage Learning During The Summer, How To The Transition To Middle School and How to Help The Transition To High School. These three are my favorite for this week.

Peace, Love & Macaroni,
