
A Publisher Letter from Shawn

Our One On One Time

By Shawn Hall - Publisher of Greensboro * High Point * Jamestown Macaroni Kid February 11, 2020

Happy New Year again! I love the month of February. There is so much to appreciate with Black History Month, Valentine's Day, National Children's Dental Month, Random Acts of Kindness Day, Presidents Day, National Love Your Pet Day, and Leap Year! Go ahead and click a pink link to get some ideas of how to celebrate. 

Can you believe we have made it to another year AND a new decade? I am so excited about 2020 and all of the new possibilities that it holds. I have a little secret to share with you and I hope you won't judge me. Ready?  Ok, here it goes...I HATE PLANNING. There it's out and I said it for the world to judge me.  I do not care because I am my worst critic.  So why do I hate to plan? Well, I feel like it makes me too structured.  I cannot be as spontaneous as I need to be. I have lived my life semi-planned like being organized for the kids and their activities, putting down special business meetings on my calendar and of course taking note of birthdays and other special occasions.  That's just parenting to me and not hardcore planning so I can live with that. The deal is I have never been "listy."  I do not make lists when I go to the grocery store because it's in my head and I find no enjoyment crossing off my spoils and going on to the next one. It's just not me. That is probably the biggest problem I have faced. I am so comfortable with not being a planner that now in my business and in this new decade when I need to do it, IT IS HARD!!  Creating a new routine can be hard, maybe harder than sticking with old ones so what to do?

1.  Do a little bit at a time. Listen, you can't undo 15 years of no routine or the same routine overnight. It takes time. As a matter of fact, research shows that it takes 21 (some say 28) days to form a new habit. Breathe in and breathe out and commit to doing something you've always wanted daily. Me and those lists? Every single day, I am going to make a list for something. I don't know what yet, but I will have that list habit on my real list of things to do daily for the next 20 days.

2. Get someone to hold you to your word.  I know you don't wanna let the world in on your consistently inconsistent ways but you need to if you are going to change. Maybe not the world but your one friend that will check up on you if you don't call in with your progress. We all need someone who can ask us if we are sticking to our goals of less sugar, more walking, less screen time, or you just fill in the blank. The point is to get someone who can call you out on your stuff and have you hold on to it.

3. Embrace where you are. Often times when we say we want to get better at something, it means that we have to acknowledge why it isn't working for us. Don't be afraid to get in the mirror and say out loud, " this isn't working (insert whatever it is) and here is why (then say why it isn't). Coming face to face with a challenge or threat can be liberating. You know why somethings haven't worked for you and now is the time to give voice to it so you can fix it.

I will be the first to say ditch the New Year resolutions. If I want to make changes in my life or create new habits, I want it to be because I see the need to switch it up. Truthfully, that can happen in any month and on any day. Someday is not a day of the week so when you are ready, PICK a day and get started with those routines. Get those lunches packed the night before, have the kids set their clothes out for the entire week, get the weekly chore list setup because school is open again and little people are counting on you to have their lives together.

Now while you are trying to focus on plans made, lists, and routines, do not forget if you have your own business and want to do some advertising of your goods or services, THIS IS THE PLACE. Yes, Greensboro Macaroni Kid is for you and we cover Greensboro, High Point, and Jamestown.  It's not too late to take advantage of my 2020 early bird advertising specials and to get the jump on advertising for summer camp. Drop me a quick note with your name and email and I will get that pricing right out to you. You have a whole village waiting to support you, your business, and your next level. I want to help make that happen!

See you soon,
