
10 Things to do this March - 2018

By Jennifer Schorr, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Reading, PA March 17, 2018

This month Macaroni Kid has a list of things to do this March, from fun ideas for special days, to things you might have forgotten to do, to things to do for yourself...

1. Clean out closets. It’s soon going to be consignment season, so now is a great time to go through your child(ren)’s closets and find all the spring and summer clothes that no longer fit them.

2. Replace your air filters. Your heat has been on all winter. Now is a great time to check and replace any dirty air filters.

3. Learn about an inspirational woman. March is National Women’s History Month. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids about some historical women who were strong and courageous, like Malala Yousafzai, Nora Ephron, or Eleanor Roosevelt.

4. Enjoy that extra hour of daylight. We may lose an hour when we “spring forward” on March 11th, but that means that we’ll be enjoying the sunshine for an hour longer each evening. How will you spend that extra hour?

5. Take advantage of a windy day. If March comes in like a lion, dig out your kites and have fun flying them.

6. March 28: National Something on a Stick Day. Use your imagination and celebrate this day with a meal on a stick, like these Sandwich Skewers from our food newsletter EATS!

7. Do your taxes. April 15th will be here before you know it. Schedule a date on your calendar to just do it and get it out of the way.

8. Enjoy the warmer weather. We are headed into spring, so enjoy a nice spring day by trying out a new playground or park you haven’t been to before. 

9. Write something. March 30th is National Pencil Day, so take your pencil and write a note to someone, write a poem, or write your own song lyrics. Be creative with your writing.

10. Get a pedicure. Your toes have been hidden away all winter. With the nice weather, you’ll want to put your best foot forward. Get your feet flip-flop ready and get pampered in the process.