
Publisher Letter - Friday, July 28th

By Kimberly Wright - Publisher & Editor of Greensboro Macaroni Kid July 28, 2017

Hi Good People of Greensboro Macaroni Kid!

Happy Summer! I hope you are finding lots to do with our calendar at your fingertips. We have exciting news coming to you soon. We are in for some sweet changes here at Greensboro Macaroni Kid! I am so excited and ready to make some announcements however I have to wait a few a few more days but get ready to hear all about it.

Thank you so much for staying social with us on Facebook.  We do have a Twitter account now. I appreciate you and our rapid growth every week. Instagram is coming in August.

While you are counting down the days of summer remember to enjoy special moments with family and friends. Some of my best moments happened during the summer.

Thank you for your time! Peace, LOVE and Macaroni!
