
Publisher Letter - July 14th

~ A Family Fun Resource Guide Just For Greensboro ~

By Kimberly Wright - Publisher & Editor of Greensboro Macaroni Kid July 14, 2017

Hi Good People of Greensboro Macaroni Kid!

Happy Summer to you and yours! How is your summer going? I hope you are finding lots to do with our calendar at your fingertips. I am truly enjoying being your publisher of this go to family fun resource guide. I will also be announcing the winner from our survey input in next week’s newsletter.

Thank you so much for staying social with us on Facebook.  I appreciate you. Starting in August I will be doing weekly Facebook LIVE videos. I am currently doing them on as part of a pilot program and want to do something very similar for you Greensboro family. We have D-Y-N-A-M-I-C giveaways locally and nationally on these videos! Beginning Wednesday, August 2nd I will begin our exciting version of Facebook LIVE at 3:00 pm ET so PLEASE watch, spread the word and engage. We are going to rock Macaroni Kid LIVE - Greensboro Edition all the way out. This week’s national giveaway is….a Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker! Hop over to my other site of to watch this week’s broadcast.

Cookbook alert! I need your submissions for the Macaroni Kid Kid’s Cookbook. The deadline for submissions is THIS SATURDAY and I really want a few from our Greensboro Macaroni Kid family. Please click on the above link for more details and submit at least one from your kiddo. Thank you in advance.

While you are counting down the days of summer please remember to enjoy special moments with family and friends. Some of my best childhood moments happened during the summer months.

Thank you for your time! Peace, LOVE and Macaroni!
