
Help Comfort Children Who Have Lost a Pet

Goldfish Ghost from bestselling author Lemony Snicket

By Alison Wenger May 11, 2017

As the weather grows warmer, fairs and festivals become more frequent. And as many parents know all too well, many of these events have “Win a Goldfish” stands. More than once my kids have come home with a new pet. Sometimes, it goes swimmingly and the fish lives for months–other times, only a few days.

If this sounds familiar to you, you’ll want to check out the new book Goldfish Ghost from bestselling author Lemony Snicket. The author, who is best known for books including A Series of Unfortunate Events, tells the story of Goldfish Ghost which not only highlights friendship, but can also help comfort children who have lost a pet.

Goldfish Ghost was born on the surface of the water in the bowl on a dresser in a boy’s room. The boy’s room is pleasant and familiar, but Goldfish Ghost wants company, so he sets out to find a friend. He floats over the neighborhood, past the pier, and lets the breeze carry him into town where he discovers that not many people pay attention to goldfish ghosts. Off he floats, searching for the perfect home and the perfect friend and then he hears a voice...

Along with Snicket’s storytelling, I loved the pictures from best-selling illustrator Lisa Brown. She brilliantly captures the details of several scenes including the little boy’s room and a busy day at the beach.

Designed for preschoolers and early elementary children, stop by your nearest bookstore and add Goldfish Ghost to your family library.